What does MFI mean?
We all know how particular Apple is about their brand, their quality and their reputation. And so, to ensure that quality and reputation is replicated beyond their own products and into after-market accessories, they created the MFI certification. Basically, this means ‘Made for IOS’. So, when you see that box on the product that says “Made for iPhone” for example, you know it has been verified and certified by Apple for use on its products. This ensures the consumer knows what they are buying is of a quality approved by Apple, even if the product isn’t made by the brand themselves.

How do you get MFI certification?
In order for a product to gain MFI certification, they must conform to a variety of specifications. For example, MFI products have a chip in the lightning connector that communicates with the Apple device. Products that are not MFI simply may not work with the device at all or supply unregulated power distribution. And so, as products go through rigorous conformity and safety tests created by Apple, the quality is of a high standard. These standards have remained the same since MFI came into effect in 2012, so any products with this certification all passed the same checks and so are of the same quality.

In addition to conforming to the standards, manufacturers have to pay royalties and license fees to apple to have the MFI certification. This, along with the better quality components required for the product to pass, often means the products are of a higher consumer price than those without it.
Is MFI worth it?
Although having cables and chargers without MFI often seems the easier and cheaper option, it can often be less economical long term due to the lack of quality and need for replacing them time after time. MFI products tend to last longer and work better with Apple devices. In fact, some products without MFI may not work with your Apple product at all! Rejecting cables is often a way for the device to protect itself, meaning having MFI products is the safer, better and more cost-effective solution for consumers long term.
Are Simply Bands phone chargers MFI certified?
We know not all our charging cables need to be MFI certified but we are very proud to stock our Premium edition range, with all the charging cables including MFI certification. This is something we like to promote within our range as our clients and their customers know they are getting a great quality product, approved by a brand they know and love, but from a great value manufacturer. We know the demand for quality accessories for expensive products is high, which is why all our cables are durable, high quality and brilliant value for money.